25 February 2024


FASTA vs FASTQ: Bioinformatics File Formats

FASTA vs FASTQ: Bioinformatics File Formats

Format Structure

FASTA: In the FASTA format, each sequence entry begins with a single-line description, followed by lines of sequence data. The description line typically starts with a greater-than symbol ">" followed by an identifier and optionally a description or metadata. The sequence data can span multiple lines.

FASTQ: In the FASTQ format, each sequence entry consists of four lines:

  • Header line starting with "@" followed by an identifier and optionally additional information.
  • Sequence data represented by letters (A, C, G, T/U) indicating nucleotide bases.
  • A separator line usually represented by a plus sign "+".
  • Quality scores represented by ASCII characters, which reflect the confidence or probability of each base call in the sequence data.

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