Preparation of different Stains and Reagent Used for the diagnosis of fungal infections
1. 10% a KOH
KOH pellets
10 gm of KOH pellets is weighed.
Mixed with 100ml of distilled water.
2. 20% KOH
Requirements: KOH pelletsProcedure
20 gm of KOH pellets is weighed.
Mixed with 100ml of distilled water.
3. Giemsa Stain
RequirementsI. Giemsa Powder
II. Methanol
III. Glycerol
3.8 gm Giemsa powder is transferred to 500 ml brown bottle containing few dry glass beads.
250 ml of Methanol and same volume of Glycerol is mixed well.
The mixture is placed in water bath at 50-60 degree centigrade or at 37 degree centigrade for up to 2 hrs for complete dissolution.
4. Lactophenol Cotton Blue
RequirementsI. Methyl blue (Cotton Blue)
II. Phenol Crystals
III. Lactic Acid
IV. Glycerol
0.04 gm of methyl blue is dissolved in 10 ml warm water.
10 gm of phenol crystals is added.
10 ml of lactic acid and 20 ml of glycerol is added and mixed properly.
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