10 July 2017

Preparation of different Stains and Reagent Used for the diagnosis of fungal infections

Preparation of different Stains and Reagent Used for the diagnosis of fungal infections

1. 10% a KOH

Requirements: KOH pellets

 10 gm of KOH pellets is weighed.
 Mixed with 100ml of distilled water.

2. 20% KOH

Requirements: KOH pellets

 20 gm of KOH pellets is weighed.
 Mixed with 100ml of distilled water.

3. Giemsa Stain

I. Giemsa Powder
II. Methanol
III. Glycerol

 3.8 gm Giemsa powder is transferred to 500 ml brown bottle containing few dry glass beads.
 250 ml of Methanol and same volume of Glycerol is mixed well.
 The mixture is placed in water bath at 50-60 degree centigrade or at 37 degree centigrade for up to 2 hrs for complete dissolution.

4. Lactophenol Cotton Blue

I. Methyl blue (Cotton Blue)
II. Phenol Crystals
III. Lactic Acid
IV. Glycerol

 0.04 gm of methyl blue is dissolved in 10 ml warm water.
 10 gm of phenol crystals is added.
 10 ml of lactic acid and 20 ml of glycerol is added and mixed properly.

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